Ahh, the joys of the repeat customer.
The couple pictured above were my first introduction to this wonderful family and community. Last night I couldn't tell you the numbered event I hit working with someone from this circle, but I can't tell you how thankful I am for clients like this. Honestly, I could write about something wonderful for all my clients, but it is a rare gem to find a professional relationship that spills over like this one. Recommendations, reviews, and just simple encouragement from this family gave me some much needed fuel when growing was tough.
Technically, my relationship with this family has always been professional only... but when we see each other again, it's as if old friends are gathering, wishing upon a shorter timeline before the next, and I feel like a guest myself. And last night was no exception. I think she may have been the last of the 4 daughters, but I'm certain I'll see them again. And if not, I'll carry always their consideration for the real man behind the company.