They came, they ran, they conquered...they’re Shatterproof!
Click here for Shatterproof 5k Run Mix. OR spotify:user:djbangarang:playlist:0sCSrSoL4vLCUsEqEyGfb8
Some of you may recognize that old Speedstick Deodorant ad ("strong enough for a man, but PH balanced for a woman"). I am of course referencing a 5k run I just did for Shatterproof, an organization fighting addiction. I was honored to offer my services, making a family friendly playlist and MCing, for such a noble cause.
Let me just mention how much I enjoyed meeting and working with the staff. Just a few I got to meet were Maggie, Kat, Lindsey, Jake, and the 2 guys working sound. I even got to meet Senator Claire McCaskill and Steven Albritton. Nice people, all affected by addiction in some way... including myself... as many of you know.
I'm so excited to finally share a new Raise the Blog post! This could be the most well-rounded dance mix I've ever compiled. Safe for the whole family and frankly... pretty friggin awesome! Also, a quick thanks to Charlotte Garrett, who sent me these photos. You can tell I was announcing all day with that red chin from the mic. Haha. Enjoy and stay tuned for the next post I'm sure will be coming soon.